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This beautiful Great Dane had been roaming for over 3 weeks in the Medina township area eluding all efforts of a successful capture. Remi's was alerted and agreed to take on this challenging case. Dogs who are typically pursued, followed, whistled at and approached are more likely to continue to run farther away from you; thus, why Remi's never discloses where a dog is hunkered or where our trap
A small group of people started messaging us with sightings; we kept track on a map which helped us narrow down a location. The properties she had been visiting were very rural with hundreds of acres. Saturday, 1-14-23, we drove out to move the trap--we were hopeful as we noticed her large prints all over the area- four hours later she found the trap and didn't hesitate to go in and was safely c
Saturday, Jan 14th 8pm, I brought her to my garage since the Medina shelter was closed. She was extremely emaciated, open sores on her paws yet appeared to be very gentle and grateful! Remi's called the Medina Shelter to report she had been safely recovered and left our information. All our attempts to locate an owner were unsuccessful. Kia, as we named her, is now under the care of Remi's PR
Upon our arrival, he was hanging in his usual spot in Northgate off of 611; he was curious & ventured pretty close to me- I didn't look at him & continued to set/bait my trap.
He was interested in the food but we needed a little bit more time for him to adjust to the trap.
After a few hours and a quiet area, he was safely recovered by Remi's PR. I transported him to the Avon PD & the next day he was transferred to the Lorain County Dog Kennel.
Brunswick Hills PD requested our help in capturing a lost dog whose owner was hospitalized. Remi's jumped into action and was in the area within an hour & spotted the dog.
Tater Tot escaped from his home and few days later the home was destroyed by a tragic fire; unfortunately the other family pets all perished leaving Tater Tot alone & confused --luckily he continued to stay 'close' in the area but eluded all efforts of neighbors trying to capture him. An hour after setting up, he was safely trapped!
Tater Tot escaped from his home and few days later the home was destroyed by a tragic fire; unfortunately the other family pets all perished leaving Tater Tot alone & confused --luckily he continued to stay 'close' in the area but eluded all efforts of neighbors trying to capture him. An hour after setting up, he was safely trapped! We are so grateful that we could bring some small comfort to a family that endured such a terrible tragedy.
Patience = Success
After a recent adoption, Dorothy escaped her home & was seen all over Wadsworth running from all who attempted to capture her for nearly 3 weeks.
After moving the trap many times, luck was on our side Feb 3rd 9pm as she found our trap/food!
Dorothy was safe and now in the care of Safe Harbor Animal Rescue! She slept with a warm belly in a warm bed and was treated to a spa day the following day!
This is our laser kennel that we use to help trap dogs that will not go into our traditional humane traps. It is an open concept and runs off of a car battery & laser that once the dog enters and breaks the laser, the door slams shut. A tied down net secures the dog from jumping out. This was made specifically for Remi's by a volunteer. Hazel, a working Belgian Malinois, ran for weeks throughout North Ridgeville/Avon eluding any efforts of trying to contain her. Traps were moved numerous times and finally she found our trap/food station but wouldn't have anything to do with the trap. After 2 days of monitoring her behavior, we decided to us the laser kennel. We received word of where she might be 'sleeping/hiding' and immediately contacted the property owner & got permission to set up the kennel. We kept the area quiet and off of social media to help protect Hazel from well-intended humans trying to capture her. Keeping a dogs safe area quiet and free from people is vital in a dog returning to the same area!
A photo captured by out trail cam shows her sniffing around but she never would go in any farther.
The same day we assembled the laser kennel, 2.5 hrs later Hazel was seen on camera investigating the area and eating the food trail to the kennel door. She walked right in and her 3-week nightmare was finally over! Our Team of Vanessa, Suzanne & Keith's family, along with Hazel's owners, were ecstatic!
Hazel's beautiful journey captured by Remi's Pet Recovery!
We were alerted about this dog in Feb 2023 who had been out roaming the Olmsted Twp community for at least 5 months .
We started to track and work on this severely emaciated great dane who was proving to be quite the challenge.
Knowing our traditional 6ft trap would be too small, we assembled our laser kennel. The dog stopped frequenting that location so we moved the kennel to another quiet area after we got a call from a concerned citizen in the mobile home park that she was observing the dog nightly in her yard. We bungeed the kennel door open and left food at the mouth of the door with the goal to establish a food station/routine with no disruptions.
The process started to work and she was showing up nightly for her food. We slowly placed the food inside the kennel door with each passing night moving it farther and farther back. This whole process took nearly 3 long weeks and nightly trips to the location to make sure there was fresh food and water during all weather elements!
Through our persistent dedication, Willow was able to be safely recovered at 8pm 3/16/23 and safely transported to our Director's home.
We could write a book about this gentle soul who was never claimed and now a part of Remi's PR. She is heartworm positive and undergoing treatment; she has had some major complications and was hospitalized with pneumonia and a 107 temp. June 19th 2023 for a few nights. She is currently in her foster home recovering and awaiting her 2nd/3rd injections. She is the most docile, gentle giant that we all have come to love and adore! She is pictured here with my granddaughter who is learning to 'respect the dog' Stay tuned for updates on our beautiful Willow.
This little retriever girl was just adopted and escaped her new owners as they exited the car & walked into the new home. She took off running.
Myla was spotted a few streets over and was hiding in the woods eluding all who tried to capture her. Remi's arrived and set a trap in a yard adjacent to the woods.
Myla was quickly captured and due to her skittish/flight-risk demeanor, the Owners felt it was best to surrender her to Remi's PR. Myla has since found her forever loving home and is thriving!
Coco escaped from his owner while out on a walk. Remi's was contacted and we were able to get there quickly & set up in an area that was quiet and free from on-lookers; this allowed Coco to explore and feel safe without having to run/dodge away from people.
It didn't take long for Coco to take the 'bait'. He was safely recovered, loaded up into my car and safely transported back home to be reunited with his ever-so-grateful family in North Ridgeville, OH
May 19th 2023- Remi's was alerted about a pair of stray dogs that were being frequently seen on a homeowner's property. Owner of the property reached out to us and Debbie was able to get there quickly and start the process. We knew this could be tricky with two dogs to safely recover.
That evening the first dog was safely recovered and transported to the Medina county dog shelter. Dog #2 stayed close by and the trap was reset in hopes of another quick recovery.
Lucky for Remi's, Debbie & Scott live in Medina so were readily available to set/bait the trap easily. The next day, the other stray was safely secured and taken to the Median County Animal Shelter where they were adopted out together after their stray hold was up. May 20th 2023
Levi was often seen on Rt 58 in Amherst, Ohio flirting with dangerous traffic; this quick, little guy eluded all who tried to help and found himself all alone struggling to survive-that is, until Remi's PR arrived on scene. We quickly set up our trap and waited. It took him about an hour as he took his good ole time making his way to our trap- as luck would have it -we won and he was safely recovered. He was one hot mess and loaded with fleas/ticks. Remi's took him into our care and later that evening, due the severity of his skin/matting, he was shaved down.
This stray was often seen sitting along the highway of 4-lane Route 58 (Levitt Road) flirting with dangerous terrain.
It didn't take long for this popular little guy to wiggle his way into the hearts of many. After his vetting/neuter- Levi found his forever family with Rich & Jill who were no strangers to Remi's. He is thriving in his new home and enjoying his big brother, Parker!
I received many calls about a stray pit running the streets in Parma Hts; it was a Sunday and I was able to arrive in the area that afternoon. I placed the trap in a yard where the dog had been seen resting in all morning.
He was safely recovered that evening but he wasn't too happy with me - backup was called & we carefully loaded him into my car. He was taken to the Brooklyn Animal Shelter where I was met by the ACO who transferred him into his holding cell ! Another stray dog off the streets.
We were happy to assist Brooklyn's ACO and set a trap for this beautiful little mini Aussie-doodle who found herself lost and alone in Parma Hts., Ohio. We had to close the trap at night after catching a skunk, but made sure we left her food so she would keep returning to the area.
24-hours later, this cutie was safely recovered. No microchip and no owner came forward, she was transferred to the CCAS where she had numerous adoptors interested; however, one lucky individule scooped her up and she is now in a loving, stable home. Another stray dog recovered from the streets!
This little guy found himself abandon and alone along Rt 2/Levitt Road in Amherst, Ohio. Remi's was alert and we headed to the area to help.
With the help of a homeowner who saw this dog during the night in their yard, we set up our trap & trailcamera; with a little patience, he was safely recovered during the middle of the night. The homeowner was able to place the trap in the garage until morning when we could get there.
We arrived the next morning and safely transferred him to the Lorain County Dog Shelter. This little basset/doxie mix had no microchip. Another stray recovered from the streets of Lorain County.
July 22, 2023- We received a call about a lost dog who was pacing back/forth in the same area of the Metroparks in Parma, OH, for most of the day. We arrived on scene and it didn't take long for us to get eyes on this guy; his behavior did exhib signs of being left behind as he stayed very close to the parking lot which was full of cars & people walking on this hot summer day.
We immediately set our trap and watched from a distance in our car. It didn't take him long to explore the trap/food; however, well-intended onlookers kept him at bay for a while until we explained that we had a trap set and were trying to safely secure him. Once the area was clear, he eagerly took the bait and was safely recovered.
We loaded this friendly guy into our car and transferred him to Parma Animal Shelter for stray hold. He did have a microchip but it was unregistered and unfortunately could not be traced; we see this happen quite often. Sadly, no owner came forward and he was eventually adopted to a family with kids/K-9 sibling to boot! Cheers to your new life ❤
This stray had been roaming Lakewood, Ohio for weeks eluding all who tried to help. park. A trap was placed at the Treatment Wastewater Facility but we were unsuccessful at securing him on the property due to the sensitive location of the trap and employees chasing the dog off. The trap was removed and we had to wait for other sightings and determine a better area to set up.
After two weeks of tracking/waiting, we got lucky and received a phone call from a citizen who said the dog had frequented her yard and was seen eating cat food. We immediately set a trap/trailcam and he appeared shortly after we left.
Once he found the trap/food source it was a quick recovery for this scruffy, lost dog! There was much happiness and relief from a wonderful community who all fell in love with this beatiful guy that we named Clifford, as he was located off of Clifford blvd in Lakewood, OH.
It didn't take long for this beautiful stray to find his forever home. He was vetted, microchipped/neutered and groomed! Not long after, a neighbor of Vanessa's adopted Clifford and he's living his best life near our Director! Doesn't get much better than this folks!!